英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:16:15
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1. 摸索寻找:fish culture 渔业 | fish for 摸索寻找 | fish glue 鱼胶

2. [口]拐弯抹角地打听[谋取]:Fish begins to stink at the head. [谚]鱼烂头先臭. | fish for [口]拐弯抹角地打听[谋取] | fish or cut bait 决定取舍, 决定行动方针

3. fish for什么意思

3. 摸找,搜寻:57. firm up (使)变得坚实(或稳固) | 58. fish for 摸找,搜寻 | 60. fix on 决定,确定

4. 转弯抹角地引出;间接探听:I'll send the letter the fist thing in the morning. 我早上第一件事,就是把这封信寄出去. | fish for转弯抹角地引出;间接探听: | Mind you, they're here to fish for information. 当心,他们是来探听消息的.

The following account is from “Mourt’s Relation, ” mostly written by a Plymouth resident, Edward Winslow: “Squanto went at noon to fish for eels.(关于鳗鱼的最早的记载是由普利茅斯居民爱德华·温斯洛在“莫特的族谱”中记述的一段话:“斯匡托在中午出去捕鳗鱼。)
Beef or fish for dinner? Which would you like, beef or fish?(午餐您要牛肉还是要鱼?)
Prawn-catchers will be cut back too because, though prawns (Scotland's main catch) are plentiful, those who fish for them also snare cod.(捕虾者也将被削减,因为尽管大虾(苏格兰的主要捕获物)数量充足,但捕虾者也会捕捉鳕鱼。)
Some boats now fish for only three months a year, after which their quotas are full.(现在有些船一年捕鱼仅仅三个月,之后它们的配额仍很富余。)
You can fish for trout in this stream.(你可以在这条小溪钓鳟鱼。)
We'll have fish for dinner.(我们晚饭吃鱼。)
Jones will sell fish for the money commodity, and will then "sell" the money in exchange for wheat, shoes, tractors, entertainment, or whatever.(渔夫琼斯可以把鱼卖掉,换成被认可为货币的那种商品,然后把“货币”卖掉,用来交换小麦、鞋子、铁犁、娱乐或者其他任何商品或服务。)
Experts do not really know when people began keeping fish as pets. But they say that people have been interested in fish for thousands of years.(专家们并不能确切地知道,人们是在什么时候开始养鱼的,但专家们说,人们对鱼的兴趣已经有好几千年了。)
In summertime the nature buffs take over, hitting the hills to climb, hike trails, fish for trout and ride mountain bikes and horses.(在夏季,巴里洛切就被大自然的爱好者们接手了,他们来到这里爬山,远足,钓鳟鱼,骑山地摩托车,和骑马。)
Kate likes fish for breakfast.(凯特早餐喜欢吃鱼。)
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